Frederik Langhendries scrapes old posters from a wall in Manhattan. The thick layers of paper provide interesting raw material for future art works.

Frederik Langhendries scrapes old posters from a wall in Manhattan. The thick layers of paper provide interesting raw material for future art works.


·      2019: Member, Washington Print Club (Washington DC)
·      2016-2019: Lithography / Fine Art Academy (RHOK, Brussels, Belgium)
·      2012-2014: Guide and activity leader / Centre of Engraving and the Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)
·      2011-2016: Screen printing / Fine Art Academy (Boitsfort, Brussels, Belgium)
·      July 2012: Training in bronze casting / Académie d´été (Libramont, Belgium)
·      November 2011: Training in wood cutting / Centre of Engraving and the Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)
·      2010-2011: Copper engraving / Fine Arts Academy (Wavre, Belgium)
·      July 2000: Training in copper casting / Académie d´été (Libramont, Belgium)
·      1990-1993: Fine arts / Senior High School Lycée Martin V (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

. Artistic Rip-Off / Burleith Citizens Association / Washington DC / pp 1-6-7 / 2019 (USA)
·       Que sont-ils devenus ? 25 ans du Prix de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée (exhibition catalogue) / Centre of Engraving and the Printed Image / 2016 (Belgium)
·       Boxes in Transit / multilingual book / Editions K1L, / 2016 (Belgium)
·       Actuel de l’Estampe N°5 (print magazine) / Editions K1L / pp 8-11 / 2015 (Belgium)
·       Vie des Arts N° 240 (art magazine) / “Estampes contestatrices, géantes, actuelles !” / Françoise Belu / pp 44-46 / 2015 (Québec, Canada)
·       Vie des Arts N° 238 / “Place à la délinquance” / Emilie Granjon / pp 6-9 / 2015 (Québec, Canada)
·       La Presse+ / “Biennale d’estampe gravée dans la modernité” / Eric Clément / 2015 (Québec, Canada)
·       RTC Télé Liège (cultural TV programme) / “L’Ardent Parler” / 23 avril 2015 (Belgium)
·       Rame & Trame (exhibition catalogue) / 4th Biennale de l’Office des Métiers d’Art de la Province du Brabant wallon / 2014 (Belgium)
·       Vers l’Avenir / “Des conteneurs en carton imprimé” / Laurence Dumonceau / 2014 (Belgium)
·       Waterschoenen / “Prix de la gravure 2014 in Centre de la Gravure” / 2014 (Belgium)

"Boxes in Transit" (video 5´15") by Frederik Langhendries

Over the past decade his printmaking practice has encompassed techniques such as etching, woodcut, lithography, and screen printing. Langhendries has won several art awards, including the Printing Prize 2014 at the Centre of Engraving and the Printed Image of La Louvière (Belgium), and his works have been exhibited in Belgium, Canada, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan.


· Special mention, 2nd Nivelles Fine Arts Awards (Belgium)
· Winner, 22nd Printing Prize / Centre of Engraving & Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)
·     Winner, 4th Biennal / Arts & Crafts Walloon Brabant / Folon Foundation (La Hulpe, Belgium)


·      Takoma Park Community Center (Maryland, USA)


·      Rise Up / Dupont Underground (Washington D.C., USA)
. Mehari Sequar Gallery (Washington D.C., USA)

·      White Art Walk (Rixensart, Belgium)

·      International Biennial Print Exhibition (Taiwan, ROC)
·      Lithography Days International / Künstlerhaus (Munich, Germany)
·      19th International Biennal / Musée du Petit Format (Nismes, Belgium)
·      1st Art Tour (Zottegem, Belgium)
·      14th edition Art Truc Troc / BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium)

·      Grafiek 2017 / Cultural Center (Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium)
·      Pas de Deux / Espace Beausite (Arlon, Belgium)
·      La gravure contemporaine - Collections / Espace Beausite (Arlon, Belgium)
·      Terrain de Jeux / Espace Beausite (Arlon, Belgium)

·      25 Years Anniversary Exhibition / Centre of Engraving and the Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)
·      8th International Printmaking Biennial (Douro, Portugal)
·      12th edition Art Truc Troc / BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium).
·      Solo exhibit / Covent Garden EASME / European Commission (Brussels, Belgium)

·      9th Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine (Trois-Rivieres, Canada)
·      10th Biennale internationale de la gravure contemporaine (Liège, Belgium)
·      11e edition Art Truc Troc / BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium)

·      1st Nivelles Fine Arts Awards (Nivelles, Belgium)
·      22nd Printing Prize / Centre of Engraving & Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)

·      21st Printing Prize / Centre of Engraving & Printed Image (La Louvière, Belgium)
·      Ballade à 4 voix, la Miniature / Fine Arts Museum (Liège, Belgium)